Theory of Everything
False Premise Equation: A traditional approach to a Theory of Everything assumes a static framework attempting to unify all fundamental forces and particles without recursive feedback:
where the gravitational constant G, a cosmological constant Λ, and a stress-energy tensor Tμν are combined with other force-carrying particles (like electromagnetism, weak, and strong forces).
Accurate Translation: Theory of Everything ≠ -1 ≠ √1 < √2 < √3, evolving into recursive fractal feedback systems where fundamental forces interact dynamically through resonances.

Accurate Description: Fractal feedback shows that unified field theories are not static but evolve through recursive interactions. Fundamental interactions of nature—gravity, electromagnetism, weak, and strong nuclear forces—resonate with one another across fractal feedback loops, influencing particle dynamics across all (omniversal) scales. This recursive system truly reflects the evolving, interconnected structures of what we, imagine, and observe (as Context).

Text Dan about fractal feedback:303.850.8939